jamendo going Web 2.0

YouTube just launched, it’s the flickr of video. All this “web 2.0” stuff really got my attention last week, and we’re clearly heading to that now with jamendo. Maybe we’ll become the flickr of audio. Or something like that. Here is our todo-list to add web 2.0 “compliance” to jamendo:

  • more Javascript/podcast/RSS syndication tools
  • rework URLs. they are way too obscure right now
  • folksonomies
  • more CC integration
  • test the XSPF flash player in order to be really “web only”. for P2P we’ll have to wait I guess.
  • we already have a public XMLRPC API, but try to extend it a bit more.
  • more social features in the website

If you think of more web 2.0 features just tell me ! We’ll see in a month what I’ll have implemented :)