My new bands & some concert photos
I’ve been playing bass in some bands for a few months, here are some of their members I enjoyed playing with :
Simon, an amazing guitarist who enjoys playing Radiohead ;-) He also has a terrific look :p Eric, the second guitarist of this band (“nameless” …). He really has the rock’n’roll attitude ;-)
Mus’, the lead singer and guitarist of my cover band (“Twist and Floyd”… guess what we play ;-) He is fond of the Beatles and really rocks on stage, check his bloody fingers at the end of the show!! :-/
Olivier, the mighty drummer of Twist and Floyd. Too bad he’s going back to Lille for his internship next month :( Eliane is the lovely pianist of Twist and Shout … Big kisses to her!!!!!! (Okay she’s my girlfriend :p)
That’s all, I will hopefully take more pictures of the other members if I free space on my damned cellphone. Some pictures of the last concerts I’ve been to :
Both : One of the first jamendo bands : download their albums on jamendo! This was the first concert with their new guitarist, who was pretty good I think. YES I’VE BEEN TO A STICK CONCERT! AAAAARRGGHHH!
One of my favourite bassists : Richard Bona I was to his concert in Lyons with ttoine from jamendo. It was some really great time!