- Concert: Spock’s Beard + Kino
Concert: Spock’s Beard + Kino
- Distributing flyers…
Distributing flyers…
- ccLive 0.2
ccLive 0.2
- It had to end ! A little bit of history…
It had to end ! A little bit of history…
The Birth of Creative Commons Luxembourg
- Recovering from website defacing…
Recovering from website defacing…
- jamendo concert n°1, day 0 : the venue.
jamendo concert n°1, day 0 : the venue.
- Spock’s Beard v2
Spock’s Beard v2
- Public domain is so morbid :/
Public domain is so morbid :/
- Nice P2P/Internet/Free culture brainstrorming
Nice P2P/Internet/Free culture brainstrorming