TEDGlobal 2010 Meta-recap, all you need to know ;-)

It has been 10 days since we left Oxford, time for a definite wrap-up ;-)

My recaps and highlights for each session

Other resources

Final thoughts

My first TEDGlobal was astounding. And that is despite my extremely high expectations and all the TEDx events I’ve attended and organized. The whole mix of genius and openness found at TED is much, much more than the sum of its parts. It will take weeks if not months for everything I saw and learned to settle. Ideas have power to change the world we live in, and TED is all about sharing them and accelerating this change. It is about empowerment. Our empowerment. It is up to us now to use these ideas the good way, or help them spread them even further as we’ll try to do in the next TEDx PARIS ;-) I hope I’ll meet a lot of fellow french TEDGlobal attendees there, and for the others… see you at TEDGlobal 2011 next year ;-)